Mervin Iverson Elementary School School Year 2018-2019 Nevada School Rating
School Level: Elementary School
Grade Levels: PK-05
District: Clark
School Address: 1575 S. Hollywood Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89142
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Total Index Score
School Type: Regular
School Designation: No Designation
95% Assessment Participation: Met
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Student Race/Ethnicity
19.3% White
7.4% Bl/Afr Am
56.7% Hisp/Latino
6% Asian
0.6% Am Ind/AK Nat
2.1% Pac Isl
7.5% Two or More
School Performance History
School Year Index Score/
Star Rating
2017-2018 58.5
2016-2017 55.5
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What does my school rating mean?

Two-Star school: Identifies a school that has partially met the state’s standard for performance. Students and subgroups often meet expectations for academic performance or growth but may have multiple areas that require improvement. Areas requiring significant improvement are uncommon. The school must submit an improvement plan that identifies supports tailored to subgroups and indicators that are below standard.

How are school star ratings determined?

Schools receive points based on student performance across various Indicators and Measures. These points are totaled and divided by the points possible to produce an index score from 1-100. This index score is associated with a one- to five-star school rating.

How are star ratings determined based on total index score?
Below 27
At or above 27 but less than 50
At or above 50 and less than 67
At or above 67 and less than 84
At or above 84
2018-2019 School Performance
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Academic Achievement Indicator
Measure School Rate District Rate
Pooled Proficiency 43.5 42.1
Math Proficiency 42.2 41.8
ELA Proficiency 53.6 49.1
Science Proficiency 16.1 22.5
Read-by-Grade-3 Proficiency 55.3 46.2
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English Language Proficiency Indicator
Measure School Rate District Rate
Met EL AGP Target 57.3 50.6
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Student Engagement Indicator
Measure School Rate District Rate
Chronic Absenteeism 12.1 14.3
Climate Survey Participation 80.6 N/A
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Growth Indicator
Measure School Median District Median
Math MGP 39.5 49
ELA MGP 42 50
School Rate District Rate
Met Math AGP Target 30.5 38.1
Met ELA AGP Target 50.7 52.3
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Closing Opportunity Gaps Indicator
Measure School Rate District Rate
Prior Non-Proficient Met Math AGP Target 21.3 20.3
Prior Non-Proficient Met ELA AGP Target 35.8 34.6

Climate Survey Participation is not a point-earning measure.